Dear Parents, children and families,
Since opening in 2014 under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Development we have continually prided ourselves on developing an ethos where every child is accepted into a warm and caring environment. We have a dedicated team of professionals to provide optimum levels of care and education for all our students aged from 12 months to 4 years old. By providing a happy, caring, secure environment, in which the needs of individual and their families are met, we aim to ensure children’s first experiences of care and learning, away from their home, are positive and fun.
Our staff are committed towards devising a stimulating environment for active learning to take place, where each child’s holistic growth and understanding to practical and abstract concepts are a priority. To achieve this Horizon Kids International Nursery follows the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (UK). Through utilising this curriculum framework, we set out to cover the seven key areas of development around play-based activities.
By using a practical play-based approach there is a high focus put towards developing the three prime areas: - personal; social and emotional; communication and language and physical development. The specific areas: Mathematics; Literacy; Expressive Art and Design and Knowledge and Understanding of The World are also supported. All activities used are designed to encourage the spontaneous development and reaching of age appropriate EYFS learning outcomes.
Alongside this a key feature at Horizon Kids International Nursery is that every child is valued and included in their learning. All our children’s engagement and exploration to discover something new is consistently encouraged and extended through creating richly resourced open areas. Time spent outdoors is an important part of our day, during which many of our curriculum goals are supported and encouraged without children being under pressure to acquire a skill before they can do so with ease and self-awareness and confidence.
While we recognise that a certain degree of structure to a child’s day gives them a familiar framework we also recognise that there will be the unexpected happen. Thus, we strive to build in a certain degree of flexibility to allow for the unexpected or special events. While each class may have a different schedule, the outlining base will include a mix of child-led, small group and age-appropriate whole group experiences. Your child will have a key-person responsible for tracking and recording his/her progress. In this way we recognise that we can support both teachers and parents to work together for the best outcome for the child.
Being part of an ever-changing world where language and communication is key we value the child’s ability to communicate, to hear, understand and to respond to what is being said all around them. We value the local cultural heritage with children being supported to understand basic conversational Arabic and the acceptance of others from different diverse backgrounds. We value parental feedback and use have an open-door policy, and several transparent communication systems for your convenience.
As your child graduates from HKIN, our aim is for every individual to be equipped with the skills required for their future long-term success. Thus, giving them equal opportunity to be a confident; healthy individual capable of sustaining themselves in any international educational facility so that they can excel, and reach long-term goals and targets.
Please feel welcome to drop in, book a tour of the nursery and meet our friendly staff.
Yours sincerely,
The Headteacher